Monday, September 30, 2019

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development in South Asia * Sustainable Development (SD) implies economic growth together with the protection of environmental quality, each reinforcing the other. Sustainable Development, thus, is maintaining a balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being on one hand, and preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend.The main features that all the definitions have are as follows: * A desirable human condition : a society that people want to sustain because it meets their needs * A enduring ecosystem condition: an ecosystem that maintains its capacity to support human life and others * A balance between present and future generations; and within the present generation. Principles Defining Sustainable Development * Sustainable development requires the promotion of values that encourage consumption standards that are within the bounds of the ecologically possible and to which all can reasonably aspir e. Meeting essential needs depends in part on achieving full growth potential, and sustainable development clearly requires economic growth in places where such needs are not being met. * Sustainable development must not endanger the natural systems that support life on Earth; the atmosphere, the waters, the soils, and living beings. * Most renewable resources are part of a complex and interlinked ecosystem and maximal sustained yield must be defined after taking into account system-wide effects of exploitation. Sustainable development requires that the rate of depletion of non-renewable resources should foreclose as few options as possible. * Sustainable development requires the conservation of plant and animal species. * Sustainable development requires that the adverse impacts on the quality of air, water and other natural elements are minimized so as to sustain the ecosystem’s overall integrity. * Two major events in the recent past have fairly lucidly articulated the sus tainable development challenges and priorities for the global community over the next decade. These include the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) –Johannesburg 2002. * Poverty eradication has been clearly identified as the foremost global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development particularly for the developing countries. United Nations Millennium Declaration * At the dawn of the new millennium, the United Nations General Assembly reviewed sustainable development initiatives and processes around the world.Recognising the gravity and urgency of challenges, the global community committed itself to eight goals and eighteen targets to be achieved by 2015. * Indicators of achievement were identified for each of the targets and responsibility entrusted to multilateral agencies to coordinate global efforts. * The declaration, often referred to as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) committed to: 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4.Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability, and 8. Develop a global partnership for development World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) * The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held at Johannesburg in September 2002 was enriched considerably by the preparatory processes of stakeholders including governments, inter-governmental agencies and civil society groups. WSSD Plan of Implementation focuses on the following: . Reinforcing the Millennium Development Goals, including: a. Poverty eradication b. Changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production c. Protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development d. Health and sustainable development 2. Sustainable development in a globalising world 3. Sustainabl e development in regions 4. Means of Implementation 5. Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development South Asian Perspective on Sustainable Development Developing countries and regions need to identify their own priorities and initiate concerted action with maximum self-reliance and minimal external assistance to retard the poverty and environmental degradation. * Various regional and national assessments point towards four broad thematic priorities for the next decade. These tend to converge with recent global mandates and commitments: †¢ Eliminating Poverty and Creating Human Security †¢ Conserving the Natural Resource Endowments †¢ Securing the Economic Base Strengthening Institutional Systems †¢ Eliminating Poverty and Creating Human Security * Ensuring food security through accessibility, affordability and well planned sustainable food production, storage and distribution strategies. * Promoting income security through micro-finance and micro-enterpris es as a means of livelihood and developing effective marketing and distribution links with medium and large-scale industries. farming of poor communities through affordable and socially acceptable technologies and practices. Enhancing energy security through improved access to reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound energy services and resources. * Ensuring health security through significant investments in primary health care infrastructure and systems which are linked to referral systems in towns and cities. * Providing security from natural disasters through preventive action including large-scale afforestation, rehabilitation of degraded lands, hazard resistant structures and other long term measure. * Conserving the Natural Resource EndowmentsWith almost half the land area in the region degraded in one form or the other; the water resource base threatened due to overexploitation and pollution; cities like Mumbai and Dhaka having the dubious distinction of being among the most polluted in the world; and the biodiversity under severe threat; South Asia has no option but to focus seriously on conserving its natural resource endowments. * Providing water security for human consumption, including livestock and The three areas that require immediate and sustained attention are: †¢ Arresting industrial pollution †¢ Managing urbanisation Conserving biodiversity Securing the Economic Base * The long-term sustainability of the South Asian sub-region is critically dependent on a firm and secure financial and economic base which is currently rather fragile. Each country in the sub-region has to strengthen its financial and economic systems while also focussing on poverty eradication and survival issues. * Considerable mutual support and assistance is possible through technology cooperation and sub-regional trade arrangements. * Promoting Technology Cooperation * Building a Sub-regional Trading Bloc Depending on Minimal External Assistance * Strengthening Institutional Systems * All recent assessments reiterate the need for strengthened institutional systems to cater to the emerging priorities of eliminating poverty and creating human security; * managing population growth and its impact; conserving the natural resource endowments; and securing the economic base. * Any successful effort to bring about sustainable development will necessarily require countries of the sub-region to establish mechanisms for formulating policy and implementing it at the relevant levels: * †¢ Local †¢ National * †¢ Regional * †¢ Global * Enhance South Asian Cooperation * Asia is assuming importance in terms of its centrality to global geopolitics and * geo economics. Though characterised by tensions and conflicts, the continent is also * an area of potential economic growth. South Asia is home to a phenomenal skilled manpower. It also houses some of the largest emerging markets in the worl d. Such a diverse resource base can be pooled together for broader regional co operation, which in turn will engender durable peace and security in the region.Key areas of regional cooperation include: †¢ Joint action on Poverty Eradication and Human Security * Sub regional Trade and Economic Policies †¢ Sub regional Sharing and Management of Natural Resources †¢ Strengthening Implementation Systems SAARC Initiatives South Asian Food Bank South Asian Disaster Preparedness and Management System South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement / South Asian Free Trade Area South Asian Technology Bank South Asian Development Bank South Asian Biodiversity Conservation Agreement South Asian Energy Alliance Sustainable Development Science, Medicine and Technology What is sustainable development? Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report:[1] Sustainable development has various definitions; a well-known definition is that of the Brundtland Report. According to the Brundtland Report, â€Å"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.It contains within it two key concepts: * the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and * the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs. † Sustainable development then is the ability to fulfill the current needs while not halting the ability of generations to come to fulfill th eir needs. What is sustainability?Sustainability is the ability of an object to renew itself so that it will always be available. Sustainability means that, the object is available in the present and can continue into the future while still accessible in the future. Sustainability of the earth Sustainability, relating to the earth, means that the earth can continue producing or reproducing all it’s natural products which include: water, food, and air; all which defines our and enhances the quality of life for humans.The earth is a system and within this system are: our society, economy and environment. In order for earth to have sustainability, these three needs to work harmoniously and in equilibrium, In a quest for prosperity in all aspects of life, us – human beings are simultaneously destroying the system that we depend on. Threats to the environment include : * Climate change due to greenhouse gas emission * Increase in Toxic Waste * Lack of Fresh Water * Over fis hing – Lack of fish (food source) * Pollution – Water, Land, Air * Deforestation – Extinction of rain forests Overpopulation (Imbalance in the ration of people and resources) * Poor land management & inappropriate agriculture & soil erosion Threats to the economy include: * Industrial production and economy has decreased * Decrease in wage * Economic insecurity (due to the economy) Threats to society include: * Unemployment * Starvation * Poverty * Violence How to live sustainably? In order to live sustainably, humans need to reduce : 1. ) the dependence on fossil fuels and heavy metals. 2. ) the dependence on synthetic chemicals. 3. ) the destruction of Nature. . ) Insure we are not halting other humans from meeting their global needs. What is being done? A number of things by international organizations are being done from as early as 1970 to present. 1970’s brought both developed, developing and underdeveloped countries was brought together, by The Uni ted Nations Conference on the Human Environment, to discuss the rights of a human family to a healthy and productive environment. 1980’s – A World Conservation Strategy was published by the international union for the conservation of natural resources. the strategy discussed the importance to improve poverty before attempting to conserve nature. 1982- WCS initiative terminated with the approval of the World Charter for Nature. The Charter stated that â€Å"mankind is a part of nature and life depends on the uninterrupted functioning of natural systems†. 1983 – the creation of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) 1984- WCED was deemed an Independent body by the United Nations General Assembly and ask to formulate â€Å"A global agenda for change† 1987- The WCED created a report â€Å"Our common future† discussed the global interdependence and the relationship between the economy and environment – stating â€Å"th e environment does not exist as a sphere separate from human actions, ambitions, and needs, and therefore it should not be considered in isolation from human concerns. The environment is where we all live; and development is what we all do in attempting to improve our lot within that abode. The two are inseparable. † 1992 -First United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. 993 -The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was established to follow-up on the implementation of Agenda 21. 1997 – General Assembly devoted its 19th Special Session to design a strategy for the further Implementation of Agenda 21 2002 – World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) was summoned to renew the global commitment to sustainable development. Bibliography DEPweb. (n. d. ). World Bank Group. Retrieved March 20, 2013, from http://www. worldbank. org/depweb/english/sd. html Major Groups . :.Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. (n. d. ). Home . :. Sustainabl e Development Knowledge Platform. Retrieved March 20, 2013, from http://sustainabledevelopment. un. org/majorgroups. html Sustainability Basic Information. (n. d. ). US Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved March 20, 2013, from http://www. epa. gov/sustainability/basicinfo. htm What is Sustainable Development?. (n. d. ). International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Retrieved March 20, 2013, from http://www. iisd. org/sd/ Sustainable Development Sustainable Development in South Asia * Sustainable Development (SD) implies economic growth together with the protection of environmental quality, each reinforcing the other. Sustainable Development, thus, is maintaining a balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being on one hand, and preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend.The main features that all the definitions have are as follows: * A desirable human condition : a society that people want to sustain because it meets their needs * A enduring ecosystem condition: an ecosystem that maintains its capacity to support human life and others * A balance between present and future generations; and within the present generation. Principles Defining Sustainable Development * Sustainable development requires the promotion of values that encourage consumption standards that are within the bounds of the ecologically possible and to which all can reasonably aspir e. Meeting essential needs depends in part on achieving full growth potential, and sustainable development clearly requires economic growth in places where such needs are not being met. * Sustainable development must not endanger the natural systems that support life on Earth; the atmosphere, the waters, the soils, and living beings. * Most renewable resources are part of a complex and interlinked ecosystem and maximal sustained yield must be defined after taking into account system-wide effects of exploitation. Sustainable development requires that the rate of depletion of non-renewable resources should foreclose as few options as possible. * Sustainable development requires the conservation of plant and animal species. * Sustainable development requires that the adverse impacts on the quality of air, water and other natural elements are minimized so as to sustain the ecosystem’s overall integrity. * Two major events in the recent past have fairly lucidly articulated the sus tainable development challenges and priorities for the global community over the next decade. These include the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) –Johannesburg 2002. * Poverty eradication has been clearly identified as the foremost global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development particularly for the developing countries. United Nations Millennium Declaration * At the dawn of the new millennium, the United Nations General Assembly reviewed sustainable development initiatives and processes around the world.Recognising the gravity and urgency of challenges, the global community committed itself to eight goals and eighteen targets to be achieved by 2015. * Indicators of achievement were identified for each of the targets and responsibility entrusted to multilateral agencies to coordinate global efforts. * The declaration, often referred to as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) committed to: 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4.Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability, and 8. Develop a global partnership for development World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) * The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held at Johannesburg in September 2002 was enriched considerably by the preparatory processes of stakeholders including governments, inter-governmental agencies and civil society groups. WSSD Plan of Implementation focuses on the following: . Reinforcing the Millennium Development Goals, including: a. Poverty eradication b. Changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production c. Protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development d. Health and sustainable development 2. Sustainable development in a globalising world 3. Sustainabl e development in regions 4. Means of Implementation 5. Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development South Asian Perspective on Sustainable Development Developing countries and regions need to identify their own priorities and initiate concerted action with maximum self-reliance and minimal external assistance to retard the poverty and environmental degradation. * Various regional and national assessments point towards four broad thematic priorities for the next decade. These tend to converge with recent global mandates and commitments: †¢ Eliminating Poverty and Creating Human Security †¢ Conserving the Natural Resource Endowments †¢ Securing the Economic Base Strengthening Institutional Systems †¢ Eliminating Poverty and Creating Human Security * Ensuring food security through accessibility, affordability and well planned sustainable food production, storage and distribution strategies. * Promoting income security through micro-finance and micro-enterpris es as a means of livelihood and developing effective marketing and distribution links with medium and large-scale industries. farming of poor communities through affordable and socially acceptable technologies and practices. Enhancing energy security through improved access to reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound energy services and resources. * Ensuring health security through significant investments in primary health care infrastructure and systems which are linked to referral systems in towns and cities. * Providing security from natural disasters through preventive action including large-scale afforestation, rehabilitation of degraded lands, hazard resistant structures and other long term measure. * Conserving the Natural Resource EndowmentsWith almost half the land area in the region degraded in one form or the other; the water resource base threatened due to overexploitation and pollution; cities like Mumbai and Dhaka having the dubious distinction of being among the most polluted in the world; and the biodiversity under severe threat; South Asia has no option but to focus seriously on conserving its natural resource endowments. * Providing water security for human consumption, including livestock and The three areas that require immediate and sustained attention are: †¢ Arresting industrial pollution †¢ Managing urbanisation Conserving biodiversity Securing the Economic Base * The long-term sustainability of the South Asian sub-region is critically dependent on a firm and secure financial and economic base which is currently rather fragile. Each country in the sub-region has to strengthen its financial and economic systems while also focussing on poverty eradication and survival issues. * Considerable mutual support and assistance is possible through technology cooperation and sub-regional trade arrangements. * Promoting Technology Cooperation * Building a Sub-regional Trading Bloc Depending on Minimal External Assistance * Strengthening Institutional Systems * All recent assessments reiterate the need for strengthened institutional systems to cater to the emerging priorities of eliminating poverty and creating human security; * managing population growth and its impact; conserving the natural resource endowments; and securing the economic base. * Any successful effort to bring about sustainable development will necessarily require countries of the sub-region to establish mechanisms for formulating policy and implementing it at the relevant levels: * †¢ Local †¢ National * †¢ Regional * †¢ Global * Enhance South Asian Cooperation * Asia is assuming importance in terms of its centrality to global geopolitics and * geo economics. Though characterised by tensions and conflicts, the continent is also * an area of potential economic growth. South Asia is home to a phenomenal skilled manpower. It also houses some of the largest emerging markets in the worl d. Such a diverse resource base can be pooled together for broader regional co operation, which in turn will engender durable peace and security in the region.Key areas of regional cooperation include: †¢ Joint action on Poverty Eradication and Human Security * Sub regional Trade and Economic Policies †¢ Sub regional Sharing and Management of Natural Resources †¢ Strengthening Implementation Systems SAARC Initiatives South Asian Food Bank South Asian Disaster Preparedness and Management System South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement / South Asian Free Trade Area South Asian Technology Bank South Asian Development Bank South Asian Biodiversity Conservation Agreement South Asian Energy Alliance

Personal Development

An insurance company has high levels of absenteeism among its staff. The head of administration argues that employees are misusing their leave benefits. However some female employees explained that their family matters interfere with office work. Using the MARS model, as well as your knowledge of absenteeism, discuss some of the possible reasons for absenteeism and how to reduce it. MARS Model seeks to explain individual behavior as a result of internal and external factors or influences acting together.Individual behavior influenced by Motivation, Ability, Role perception and Situational factors (M. A. R. S). People are not motivated to come to work since they don't feel a sense of self-satisfaction in completing their tasks, they don't see room for advancement, don't feel that they are getting paid enough, and don't like their co-workers (or more likely their boss). The cost of absenteeism is extremely high. In able to diagnose absenteeism problem in the organization, a clearly dis tinction should be made between voluntary and involuntary absenteeism.Voluntary absenteeism is when employees have a choice of working or not working and they intentionally decide to miss work. Involuntary absenteeism is when employees miss work for reason beyond their control. Some of the common reasons behind absenteeism are as under; * Serious accidents and illness * Low morale * Workload * Employee discontent with the work environment * Remuneration which continue returns during periods of illness or accident * The continuation of income shield plans (collective agreement ) * Poor working conditions * Boredom on the job Insufficient leadership and poor management * Personal problems (financial, marital, substance abuse, child care etc. ) * Poor bodily fitness * The existence of income protection plans (collective agreement ) * Transportation trouble * Stress There are numbers of strategies and approaches that can be adapted by organizations in order to reduce the level of absent eeism in their companies. According to Johnson et al. (2003), successful absenteeism management strategies begin with the belief that something can actually be done to reduce absenteeism.Managers need to keep in mind that there is no â€Å"one-size-fits† all solution that is appropriate for all organizations. Every organization is unique and absenteeism reduction strategies should be customized to the particular work environment. Harris (2005) states that employers should distinguish between short- and long-term absence when dealing with the problem of absence. The author mentions that for short-term absence, an effective sickness absence policy should be implemented.This policy should indicate the procedure to be followed as well as the possible consequences of unacceptable sick leave levels. For long term absences, an employer should keep record of these events as well as ensuring that medical certificates are supplied. In cases where employees' health is not improving and they are unable to perform their work, a fair incapacity process should be followed (Harris, 2005). REFERENCES Organization Behavior, The Management of individual and organizational performance by DAVID J. CHERRINGTON. Online Search.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

China and India, Western Influence on Youth Essay

Over the last decade China and India have adopted trends from western-styles. These are two heavily populated countries and their youth are gravitate more to western styles. There are many goods and services that can be offered to their marketers. This paper will describe the products that interest these youth markets. Compare and contrast the micro- and macro-environmental forces that influence the marketing strategies for these goods and services. Analyze the marketing strategies of these two countries and compare them with the U.S. consumption marketers. And finally, what opportunity for U.S. companies I might foresee. There have been many advances in technology that can be great examples of western products that interests youth marketers in India as well as China. Advancements like the cell, IPad, and we can’t forget the many gaming devices such as Playstation and Xbox. Other goods includes, western clothing, â€Å"Apparel company Murjani Group is leading the charge, bringing Western labels such as Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein to Indian shoppers.† (Jana, 2007) Along with clothing accessories and perfumes, they’ve also adopted westerner’s love of fast foods as well as the purchase of goods and services via the internet including online learning. â€Å"In Eastern education, teachers have absolute authority and the students are not encouraged to question or challenge a teacher’s knowledge (Biggs & Watkins, 1996). On the other hand, in Western education, to challenge a teacher or tutor is seen as part of the self-development process as dialogue and interaction are encouraged in the learning process (Robinson, 1999).† (Xiaojing, et al., 2010) The micro- and macro-environmental forces that influence the marketing strategies for these goods and services include, higher incomes, the Indian and Chinese economy have been recording a yearly economic growth respectively. This also says, incomes in these two countries have been on the rise as well. More and more young people have enough disposable incomes that will enable them to purchase western products as well as remain trendy. The availability of competition in the market place have also enabled the presence of cheaper western products in both  countries, also, more and more western companies such as those from the US are setting up production facilities in the two countries (India and China) because of economic uncertainties in the US as well as the economic boom in India and China.Western products are also readily available in these two countries because of low transportation costs of products from western countries, reduced transaction costs as well as the availability of multiple producers; this has also lowered the prices of western goods and services in the two countries. Western products such as clothes and electronic products can be easily bought from the U.S. by consumers in India and China via the internet as well as delivered within a few days by use of worldwide delivery services such as UPS and FedEx. There are also changes in lifestyles of young consumers in India and China; there are also changes in consumer trends and changes in consumer tastes and preference on the products that they buy and consume Christoff & Eckersley, 2013) The media has also played an important role in enabling Indian as well as Chinese consumers to choose western products over their home countries products. The media in these two countries have constantly shown images of western products as well as provided information regarding them; this has enabled consumers in the two Asian countries to demand the western products as well as to be aware of the various trends and changes in the market place for western products. The marketing strategies of these two countries and their comparison with Western-based consumption marketers include, advertising in these two countries can be made via social media, and pricing can be cheaper because of low incomes in these two countries as compared to the incomes in the US. The products can also be available in stores such as supermarkets because internet connectivity in these two countries is low as compared to internet connectivity in the US where marketers can sell their products via the internet. Producers can also set up production facilities in any of the two countries because of cheap labor offered by both the Chinese as well as the Indian workforce; this will help in reducing their production costs as well as the final prices of their products. (Christoff & Eckersley, 2013) And lastly, the various opportunities that the U.S. companies might foresee are increased demand for their products and services in the two countries due to increased incomes as well as high economic growth. Companies will thus profit as a result of selling western products  in the two countries. Due to the increasing rate of internet usage, in the near future, companies can sell their products via the internet; they can also constantly conduct marketing surveys in order to identify consumer taste and preference of consumers in the two countries. In conclusion, I have described the products that interest these youth markets. Compared and contrasted the micro- and macro-environmental forces that influence the marketing strategies for these goods and services. Analyzed the marketing strategies of these two countries and compared them with the U.S. consumption marketers. And lastly, showed what opportunities U.S. companies might foresee. References Jana, R. (2007). India: Bridging the Fashion Culture Gap. Businessweek Online, 21. Christoff, P. & Eckersley, R. (2013) Globalization and the Environment. Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. Xiaojing, L., Shijuan, L., Seung-hee, L., & Magjuka, R. J. (2010). Cultural Differences in Online Learning: International Student Perceptions. Journal Of Educational Technology & Society, 13(3), 177-188.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Future Role of Technology in Higher Education Article

The Future Role of Technology in Higher Education - Article Example On the other hand, the adoption of online services and programs has not only improved academic life in many higher education institutions but has also reduced administrative requirements as well as streamlined student registration processes. Computers and telecommunications are some of the key technologies that continue to reshape higher education. For example the rapid advances in social media, internet, CDROMs and computerized simulations have significantly affected the current learning operations in many institutions of higher learning. Generally some of the technological devices that are increasingly playing an important role in higher educational institutions include computers, phones and other sophisticated machines that all are aimed at improving human life. Although technology has largely brought transformational benefits to many institutions of higher learning, it has also resulted in new challenges some of which include disruptive innovations, high costs and other operation al challenges (Alic, 1997, p.88). Many educationists concur that the adoption of technology is an expensive process that often come with increased budgetary allocation as well as the need for time and new learning methods. Despite some of the challenges that hinder the adoption of new technologies in higher education institutions, technology will continue playing a significant role in the future of higher education particularly in the improvement of teaching methodologies, administration and academic experience. This paper critically examines the future role of technology in the institutions of higher learning and how these roles will alter learning, pedagogical and teaching methodologies. Transformative nature of technology on the future higher education learning In many higher education institutions, the use of new technologies continue transform classroom experience by enabling multi modal learning and teaching as well as enhancing the availability and use of a diverse range of o nline research materials and collaborations. Technological devices such as computers, mobile phones, I pads and tablets, are increasingly being used in schools as important aids in teaching, learning, and communication as well as in the day to day administrative functions. Additionally online tools for academic research collaborations will significantly contribute towards the improvement of academic research in many educational institutions (Mendenhall, 2011, p.24). Learning technological innovations such as the development of learning management software have also profoundly improved academic experience and are likely to continue playing a crucial role in the delivery of academic content. Similarly emerging technologies such as Cloud computing are also likely be adopted by higher education institutions in the future to improve their data storage. For example, the use of huge data stores offered by cloud computing will not only improve the computing performance but will also help ma ny higher education institutions to enhance the security of data research, academic and administrative data. The other important area of higher education learning where new technologies will continue to play a pivotal role is academic partnerships and research

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dehydration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dehydration - Essay Example It also serves as a medium for many chemical reactions, acting as either reactant or product (Wardlaw & Hampl, 2007; JÃ ©quier & Constant, 2009). Water also has the important function of thermoregulation due to its high heat capacity. Temperature is not drastically reduced or increased which is important in maintaining the integrity of cells. Waste excretion is another function that is attributed to water’s property to easily dissolve many substances. Many waste products are water-soluble and hence, are easily transported to the excretory system. Being incompressible, water can also serve as lubricant of joints, and in the production of amniotic fluid, saliva, and bile. Saliva aids in digestion, bile is involved in fat metabolism and breakdown, while amniotic fluid serves as a shock absorber that protects the developing fetus (Wardlaw & Hampl, 2007). In the body, water is important in the maintenance and continuation of the function of the circulatory system. Blood plasma, as it circulates in blood vessels, exchanges metabolic products, oxygen, nutrients and wastes with the interstitial fluid. Thus, dissolved substances in the plasma and interstitial fluid are similar, except that the plasma has more protein. However, the extracellular fluid differs largely from the fluid encompassed within the cells. The maintenance of these differences in fluid composition is one way for the cells to regulate their individual activities, like growth and metabolic activities. Cellular morphology is maintained by keeping a balance between electrolytes, osmotica, and water. The recommended water requirement for a healthy life has been published in many journal articles. Generally, these were based on intake levels that were expected to be nutritionally sufficient for health. It should be noted that water requirement is affected by climate, level of physical activity

Animal rights. What rights should animals have Essay

Animal rights. What rights should animals have - Essay Example In this concept, it is illegal to use animals in any way that makes them feel pain, suffer or even die. It tries to explain to human beings that it is not a right practice to violate these rights. The concept was started in 1975 by Peter Singer in a book entitled animal liberation. It came to being after the birth of American Society for the prevention of cruelty of animals. Animal rights have been enforced in several parts of the world today. For instance, in Germany, it was voted and included in the constitution that was in the parliament’s house. The vote was aimed at adding a simple clause in the constitution to change the way in which people treated animals in that country. It is the first country in Europe to accept constitutionally the fact that animals had some rights like fair treatment and good feeding. The same has been followed in several other continents in the world and have led to a fairer treatment of all animals with a court penalty owing to the violation ther eof as discussed by CNN (2012). According to Lafollette (n.d), there are boundaries about animals that human beings should strive not to cross as opposed to treating animals in the way one pleases. It is not legitimate to mistreat animals even though they have no voice to rise. In this culture that we are living in today, animals are used as a main source of food, clothes, and research on drugs and to test the vulnerability of some appliances at home. All these can only be realized when the animal is dead or involves inflicting pain to the animal. Animals have a right against overcrowding. This implies that an animal has a right to enough space during its lifespan. This has not been followed especially by farmers who keep them for profit. Animals also have rights to enough movement. Due to the limitations of space, animals are confided in one place leading to less feeding and poor movement. For instance, chicken are overcrowded in little battery cages. The more crowded the animals a re, the more likely they are to attack each other and cause injury to one another. In an opinion, Lafollette (n. d) adds that people should use more of vegetables to reduce the killing of animals for food. Many people hold an opinion that animals do not feel pain and has led to the killing of many animals for not only food but also for scientific research and testing. When a dog is hit by a stray vehicle, the way it convulses, bleeds, and yelps is a sure proof that animals feel pain. The same way, a cat reacts even at the small attempt to step on its tail is another proof of sensitivity of their nervous system. It becomes controversial at times because there is need for nutrients in humans that can only be found in animals and the experiments that are done on animals is vital for human survival. As noted by Lin (2012), there are some myths that people hold about animal rights activists. One of these myths is that activist are more fond of animals than human beings. This is not the c ase anyway. Caring about animals does not render them more important than human beings. This is the reason as to why most animal activists are involved in humanitarian rights like hunger, poverty, sweatshops, feminism and other civil rights. Another myth is about leather materials compared to fur clothes and shoes. This is because fur can be obtained without necessarily killing the animal, but to get leather the animal has to be killed to get the skin of that animal. According to Buzzle (2012), animal rights activists are faced with the headache of controlling the rate at which animals are killed or injured. They have worked to make known their reputation just like politicians and celebrities. They

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Defining perfomance measures in Saudi Aramco Medical Services Essay

Defining perfomance measures in Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization - Essay Example Action Plan 18 Saudi Aramco 18 5.2. Gantt Chart of the Action Plan 19 6.Analysis and Recommendations 20 Conclusion 23 Works Cited 24 Introduction The performance measures of an organization quantitatively display the important facets of the products and/or services rendered by the organization to its customer(s). Performance measures of an organization are one of the effective tools to identify its role and importance in the marketplace. Moreover, the process also helps the organization to recognize its present performance, customer satisfaction level to identify the prospects of achievement of the organizational objectives. Furthermore, performance measurement is a statistical control of the organization which initiates future initiatives for developing the products/services for its customers. Hence, it can be affirmed that measuring the performances of an organization fundamentally concentrates on the process of collecting and accounting the information about the productivity of it s workforce along with the quality of services rendered (â€Å"What are Performance Measures†). The performance measures of an organization should classify the risks to be determined by the process along with the information source and required time for the measurement. Subsequently, all measurements should be accomplished in an objective-oriented way being convenient to reduce outside influences over the employee performances. This particular strategy is quite likely to motivate the usage of more efficient cost effective methods towards augmenting the productivity of the overall organization (â€Å"Performance Measures†). Thesis Statement The paper intends to focus on the performance measures of Saudi Aramco Medical Service Organization (SAMSO). The paper also reflects the organizational profile with its various values, mission and vision. Moreover, the study also intends to highlight the key strategies and accomplishments with regard to develop suggestions for the en hancement of the performance of SAMSO. With this concern, the detail organizational profile has been discussed along with its value, mission and vision statements. The performance measurement method and the key strategies of SAMSO have also been critically analyzed with rational recommendations throughout the study of the paper. 1. Organization Profile a. Name of the Organisation SAMSO is a multifaceted medical service provider which is operated as a privately owned health-care division that serves the large number of Saudi Aramco Global Oil Enterprise’s employees (around 54000) and their families (â€Å"Corporate Citizenship Report 2010†). b. Operations of the Organization Saudi Aramco commenced its medical hospitality unit in the year 1933 and constructed its first separate health-care center in Dhahran in 1955 known as ‘Dhahran Health Centre’. In the present day context, Saudi Aramco operates to serve as one of the modernized health service providing or ganizations among the Middle East Countries. The health care unit of the organization provides its services throughout the city of Dhahran as well as other neighboring cities of the Eastern Saudi Arabia region (Al-Ghamdi). c. Number of Employees of the Organization Currently the organization provides its health-care service with the assistance of around 7334 employees (â€Å"Corporate Citizenship Report 2010†). d. Department My department is the Medical Support Services Department in SAMSO of which Medical Patient Processing & Records Division is part of. SAMSO operates with a total of five

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS, METHODS, & MODES IN THE HUMANITIES - Essay Example Classicism era was a period whereby, emphasis on form, proportion, simplicity and restrained emotion made the basis of culture, literature and art in ancient Greece and Rome’s aesthetic attitudes and principles (Grafton, Most & Settis, 2010). Neoclassicism movement in painting and other visual arts, on the other hand, started in the 1760s and climaxed in the 1780s and ‘90s, whereby it was rampant in emphasizing on austere linear design, use of correct archeological settings and costumes, and depicting classical themes and subject matter. It is arguable that neoclassicism was partly a reaction against the sensitivity and frivolous decorations of the then dominant Rococo style as well as stimulations by the then arising scientific interest from classical relic of 18th century (Grafton, Most & Settis, 2010). Neoclassicism advent was steered by the new knowledge of the classical past obtained from the archeological discoveries regarding the Greco-Roman art from the monuments and other Greek antiquities of the past. The stylistic aspects of neoclassicism were similar to those of its predecessor classical antique. For instance, the ornamented paintings of Jacques-Louis David evidenced in the classical period also prevailed in the neoclassical era. The decorative prettiness and softness in the Rococo antique extended to the era of neoclassicism as well as the Kauffmann’s sentimental subjects. The movement from classicism to neoclassicism was experienced in the arts of paintings and decorative, architecture and visual arts, and in music. In architecture and visual arts, the Neo-classical paintings are different from the classical ones by their virtue of ignoring pastel colors and haziness; instead, they are sharp colored and have Chiaroscuro. The neoclassical music, however, shows considerable similarities with the classical music in the use of harmony and instrumentation such as the wind instrument and the classical symphony in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 78

Essay Example To begin with, there is the creation of employment opportunities resulting from activities brought by hydro industry. Thus in turn brings income, generates tax, and some time due to the effects healthcare centers are built to cater for those affected health wise. However, the mining activities cause resettlement, loss of land previously used for cultivation. There is also an element on economies of various countries in which the hydros are found given the high number of employees both temporary and contractual. Aluminum plants activities in various countries are believed to have indirect impacts as a result of investments in the sector and the operation of the particular plant. The inve4stmentws are huge and in billions of pounds and dollars plus the dependence of operations on lamp sum of raw materials, energy and goods and services. These activities including taxes, production and consumption out of these activities create external employment. Given the hydro’s in the supply chain consume a lot of energy, raw materials and other accompanying services, her operation create business opportunities as there are many suppliers to deliver the requirements . Here systems are place to ensure suppliers are monitored at any given time. There are also cases of restrictions formation of trade unions mandated to influence the work situations of employees especially in china but most countries give allowance for formation of trade unions. There are adverse social and economic effects in the glass manufacture industry. Firstly the employees are reported to have committed suicide several times as a result of minimal wages which is not enough form the employers to use in settling rent arrears and at the same time spend on their families back in the villages. Instances of high demand for new products made out of glass can some time cause challenges. For instance, every time an iphone model is released into the market there is always high demand for the product given

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Computing in civil engineering proceedings of the 2011 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering Essay Example for Free

Computing in civil engineering proceedings of the 2011 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering Essay Studies of construction management address the phenomena of construction problems and explore the nature of construction technology. Manufacturing technologies are categorized into mass, unit and continuous process of productions. Construction technology is classified as a unit production through contrasting construction activities and fabrications. Although the efficiency of construction technology is low in terms of unit production, it is associated with benefits such as zero stocks and flexibility. This report provides a description of materials/techniques used in the current construction of modern domestic properties, industrial unit properties, their comparison and critical analysis of the performance of building structures. It also encompasses on the principles used by builders to perform their functions, characteristics and behaviour of internal materials used in the construction. People have been looking for efficient production systems since the industrial revolution. However, most projects are still built under traditional way of one-of-a-kind production. Application of IT in construction has also failed to produce the intended results. Therefore, nature of construction technology needs to be understood more in order to explain inefficiencies that are surrounding the technology and theory that solves the construction problems (Sarkar 2008). According to Daft (2004), technology refers to the tools, machines, actions and techniques used in transforming organizational information and materials (input) into products and services (output). 1.0 Construction technology                It involves the study of construction techniques to successfully achieve the design of the structure with the recommended specifications (Sabnis, 2011). It includes temporary work and study of construction equipment needed to facilitate the construction process. The recent trend is towards constructing taller and lighter buildings. In order to achieve such buildings, sophisticated equipment needs to be employed in the construction process. 1.1 Current construction techniques/materials                The current methods of construction provide important benefits to developers and housing authorities which reduces the emphasis of on-site activity. This criterion is important particularly in the time of increasing demand of an already stretched labour force. Any new implementation of doing things is faced with risks, but such risks can be mitigated through having good planning and project management. Yvette Cooper, a planning and housing minister quoted, â€Å"people must ensure that the new homes they are constructing are affordable to the next generations. This report shows that it is easier to build cheaper and faster using modern construction techniques whilst keeping high quality of traditional methods. 1.1.1 Modern methods of construction (MMC)                Modern techniques of constructing houses developed as early as 1945 after WWII, it was used by most of the developed countries such as Germany during buildings fabrication after WWII. Later these techniques spread in many countries and they are commonly used in India during the construction process. As technology, construction knowledge and manufacturing processes increase so do the number of available methods of house construction increases to house builders. Modern Method of construction is a collection of new relatively construction techniques aimed at offering advantages over traditional methods (Altenbach, 2013). Conventionally, this is an area pioneered by self builders, mostly in terms of sustainable construction. As developers’ sticks continually to the proven construction techniques that satisfy buyer demand, self builders have been willing to research, try and invest something different so as to achieve individual homes that meet their need. In an effort of increasing housing demand, shortage of skills and the set targets by Code of sustainable homes, many governments are encouraging the house-building sector to develop and use MMC technique in an attempt to meet these challenges. Most of these modern construction techniques evolved from their traditional predecessors. Techniques such as structural insulated panels (SIPS) and thin joint systems with Air Crete blocks are part of the on going evolution of timber frame and masonry construction (Kuzio 2009). Other familiar techniques have developed in the larger scale commercial construction. This has brought alternatives with interesting qualities of house building. Development of steel frame systems and in-situ concrete techniques led to the development of insulated concrete forms (ICF). 1.1.2 Advantages of modern methods of construction Reduced impact on residents and effect of weather on production Controlled manufacture and reduced fuel consumption and disruptions as a result of fewer materials delivered. Reduced construction defects and time consumed. High quality buildings 1.1.3 Modern domestic properties 1.1.4 Illustrations                Larger construction components can be incorporated into either MMC dwellings or conventionally built. They are not full housing ‘systems,’ but they are factory made or site-assembled. This category comprises of the following components and sub-assemblies. This involves a series of assembled components and pre-fabricated ground beams to form quick and accurate foundations (Koerner 2005). These are pre-fabricated panels designed specifically for floor construction. Fewer on-site labour hours are needed per square meter of floor, and the reduced work at heights has safety and potential health benefits (Hearn 2012). It involves designed pre-fabricated panels specifically for pitched roofs. These panels are very stiff which are designed to leave the loft free of props and struts, thus allowing easy production of ‘room’ in the construction of the roof. These roof cassettes make the building become water weight more quickly than cut roof constructions or conventional trussed rafter. These are roofs assembled at ground level before the shell of the dwelling is constructed. It can be craned into place immediately the superstructure is in place hence creating a weather tight structure more quickly rather than assembling the roof in situ (Corum Scotland 2010). Factory made dormers are used to speed up the roof watertight making process. Pre-fabricated lightweight chimney stacks made from factories are mounted on the roof structure without using masonry flue, thus making them suitable for construction of a lightweight frame. These chimney stacks can accommodate flue liners hence functioning with combustion appliances. Wiring looms                Cabling systems are manufactured in a way that they can quickly be assembled with relatively unskilled labour. They are made of various lengths terminated with plugs that are plugged into sockets and other electrical items (Quinn 2008). Standards are critical steps from development and research to marketplace adoption. Today, many industries are faced not only with managing technological development march, but also with pressures of how to do so cost-effectively, efficiently and with environmental and public safety being in mind. The appearance, energy efficiency, component materials and habitable structures’ environmental impacts have dramatically changed over the last few years. This is as a result of successful standardization of processes, new materials and technologies. This section provides a sample of more recently developed shows and construction technologies, which has been facilitated by provision of the needed standards by ASTM international’s technical committees. These standards have swept off technologies of new construction to the drawing board and into the currently built environment. A Building’s Skin                5488940117475Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems (EIFS) were used in Germany after WW II to resurface buildings that were damaged by the conflict ravages. They are lightweight, systems of multi-layer barrier that helps in keeping moisture from outer walls. With several components, from foam insulation panels fastened to the base and a substrate coat, to the finishing coat and reinforcing mesh, EIFS is a complex system with materials required to connect successfully for years so as to keep moisture at bay (Noble 2011). EIFS standards development has been the key role of ASTM international Committee E06 on buildings’ performance since 1990’s. Their subcommittee E06.58 on finishing systems and exterior insulation published its first EIFS standard, test methods used in determining breaking strength tensile of reinforcing mesh of glass fibre. This publication was for use in class PB finishing systems and exterior insulation, after it was exposed to sodium hydroxide solution in 2000. Stone masonry Veneer                548894093980The design freedom and cost savings offered by the products of stone masonry veneer have led to their increased use in architectural projects. In comparison to natural stone, manufactured stone veneers can be precisely colored, reinforced with steel, and have a predictable and durable life. The appearance consistency of the manufactured products makes repetitive use of materials as a trim or ornament economically feasible. Additionally, older structures can be renovated with manufactured veneer stones that replicate the deteriorating stone’s appearance (Gunn 2012). It is a technology in which sealant adhesives are used to attach the glass to a building. In the last 20years, structural glazing has experienced exponential growth. It has been in use in industrial construction and other city buildings all over the world. Wood-plastic Composites                Since 1990s, recycled plastic and wood waste has been used as environmentally friendly and economic alternatives for decks. Components such as cladding, railings, molding, siding and trim, door frames and window; and structures such as small park benches. Concrete, which have been in use for a long time in construction of roads and structures is developing in a way that make it less expensive, more varied, safer, easier use and even more environmentally friendly. For example, a self-consolidating concrete that flows into forms was proposed in 1980s’ theory by a Japanese scientist. It has recently become viable as it used in infrastructural projects around the world. It properties are achieved by applying high-range-water-reducing mixtures; it increases the total quantity of fines applying admixtures that modify its plastic state viscosity (Li 2011). The innovative building enclosures’ design relies less on past successful precedents than use of building science. This is a result of changes in methods and materials resulting from building innovation technology. Earlier building enclosures were only expected to provide a degree of environmental separation and be durable, but the recent structures must address issues like day lighting, energy efficiency, fire safety, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality and carbon footprint (Grondzik 2008). In half a century ago, wall performance requirements were outlined which are now applicable to all components and enclosure systems. The following are the major considerations that were identified: Rigidity and strength Control of heat flow Control of airflow Control of water vapour flow Liquid water control movement Durability and stability of materials Fire, aesthetic considerations and cost Since the time of Hutcheon, additional objectives such as environmental impact consideration associated with building materials and methods and the need to provide secure and safe buildings have been adopted. The acceptable requirements of wall performance were implicit within traditional materials and methods of construction. With the modern building science advent, they have become more explicit in response to technological innovation. The table below summarizes the requirements of contemporary performance and their corresponding assessment parameters. Moderator versus separator                A critical principle used in building science involves the difference between moderation versus environmental separation. For example, fire and smoke control movement is a strategy that attempts to completely separate fire and smoke from the indoor environment. The approach employs a fire-related assembly that fully controls leakage of smoke by virtue of the construction of its airtight and in some cases, the air pressures’ control between compartmentalized spaces. Moderation involves a strategy where the difference between outdoor and indoor severity environments is moderated within the tolerable threshold. For example, heat transfer control does not seek to minimize the rate to zero, but to a level that satisfies energy efficiency, comfort requirements, and the control of wetting/condensation. The following table summarizes the key control strategies for building enclosures’ design, which is involved in moderation strategy. A review of the corresponding control strategies and physical phenomena indicates the control of moisture migration is of the most important control function that needs to be addressed by designers. Problems of moisture in buildings are common and vary broadly in consequences and types. These consequences range from cosmetic flaws to structural failure and in some cases the occupants’ health can be affected adversely as in the case of mold growth leading to respiratory and allergic problems. 2.0 Range of construction forms 2.1 Provision and access of internal division of spaces within buildings                Service integration should be jointly considered by the architect/designer, service and structural engineers. The interface between the fabric and the structure together with the service installations can cause problems. These problems can be in terms of the need to have re-route services within the structural elements or the purpose of passing through those elements (Luraghi 2008). Both structural and non-structural integration methods should be considered. The following are some of the spaces and divisions that an architect needs to consider. They should be installed so as to provide access to a building roof. The installation and design of the anchorage and the attachment system for the ladders should be described in MMAH standard supplementary. Fuel-fired appliances should be installed in service rooms from the building’s remainder by fire separations with the fire rating resistance which is not less than one hour. A more than 600 mm high roof space needs to be provided with floor access immediately before the hatchway that is not less than 550 mm by 990 mm or by a stairway. It consists of duct spaces and ceiling, which is more than 600mm wide and 1200mm high, shall have inspection doors. It should not be less than 300mm in both vertical and horizontal dimensions placed so that the entire space or duct interior can be viewed (Kuzio 2009). A fabric is a material structure selection, engineering, proper design, installation and fabrication of all work together to ensure a sound structure (Foster 2010). The role of material in the structure’s performance makes the selection process important. This is true particularly with air-supported and tensile structures because their frames, as well as their membranes carry the load. Membrane materials                Fabrics are typically laminated and coated with synthetic materials for environmental resistance and greater strength. Most of the widely used materials are polyester coated or laminated with PVC, woven fiberglass that is coated with silicone or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Films, Meshes and other materials also have appropriate applications. Polyesters                It is the most frequently base material used due to its cost, durability, strength and stretch. They are coated or laminated with PVC films and thus they are the least expensive for long-term fabrications. Laminates consist of vinyl films over knitted or woven polyester meshes. Coated fabrics typically use a high-tensile, high-count coated fabric with a bondable substance at the base for extra strength. Lighter fabrics are commonly used insulated and acoustic liners suspended beneath an envelope of a structure. For long-term exterior application, heavier materials are needed: fabrics with top coatings of PVF or PVDF (Zhu 2011). These top coatings are responsible with providing a protective finish to withstand environmental degradation. Vinyl-coated polyester                It is a common fabric used when producing flexible structures, such as canopies, walkways, custom-designed awnings, smaller air-supported structures, tent hall and light member-framed structures (ManCuso 2012). Properties of building materials Group Properties Physical Shape, Density, Size, Specific Gravity etc., Mechanical Strength, Plasticity, Elasticity, Toughness, Hardness, Ductility, Brittleness, Stiffness, Creep, Impact Strength, Fatigue etc., Thermal Thermal conductivity, Thermal capacity, Thermal resistivity, etc., Chemical Corrosion resistance, Acidity, Chemical composition, Alkalinity etc., Optical Colour, Light transmission, Light reflection etc., Acoustical Sound absorption, Reflection and Transmission. Physiochemical Hygroscopicity, Swell and Shrinkage due to moisture changes 3.2 Comparison of materials/techniques used in construction                The use of steel in the residential construction and housing sector has grown rapidly over the last ten years. This has been facilitated due to the growing appreciation of the performance benefits arising from the nature of the off-site of the construction process, which is particularly important in mixed-use or urban buildings. Steel construction technologies of an off-site increase the speed of construction and improve the final quality of the building, and can add points to the Code for Sustainable Homes. The main steel market in this area is in multi-storey residential buildings, and mostly mix-use buildings. Domestic buildings versus industrial buildings                A building classified as domestic is one which an individual uses as a dwelling place and provides separate family living quarters for separate family units (Richardson 2008). On the other hand, building not used in connection with a residence and not located on the same parcel as a residence, it is classified as industrial property. Most of the industrial/commercial buildings have been using pre-fabricated construction such as ceiling panels, prefab wall panels, flooring system and plasterboards to create interiors of offices (Domone 2008). Prefab materials provide the option of buildings’ customizing for specific needs such as water and fire resistance and soundproofing. However, individual owners of homes have not yet gained enough confidence with prefab construction. This increases its demand for commercial spaces and from large developers but use by individuals in their homes is yet to gain popularity. 4.0 Critical review of how building structures perform                Organization structure may be considered the organization’s anatomy, providing the foundation in which the organization functions. Hall (1977) noted from simple observation that an organizational structure affects its members’ behavior. The particular building’s structure is a major determinant of the people’s activities within it. Hall suggested two basic functions of the structure each of which may affect organizational performance or individual behavior within the industry. First, they are designed at least to minimize or regulate individual variations influence on the organization (Brown and London 2000). Organizational structure is also the setting in which decisions are made, power is exercised, and organization’s activities carried out. Van de Ven (1976) highlighted the structure’s importance both at the subunit levels and the organization for the performance of organizations. Conclusion                Construction technology produces goods and provides services at the same time. The construction process is having low predictability and is highly uncertain. Many intermediate items are integrated and created by human operations with low standardization, mechanization and automation. The benefits of construction technology include high flexibility, zero stock, and satisfactory social needs. As these benefits appreciated, industry that is responsible with construction should consider improving integration of construction job site activities. Thus, we should examine and understand the construction technology fundamentally before successive e-construction programs and construction automation. References Altenbach, H. (2013). Advanced materials modeling for structures. Berlin: Springer. Brophy, V., Lewis, J. O. (2011). 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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Herzbergs Theory Of Motivation Management Essay

Herzbergs Theory Of Motivation Management Essay After describing research background, problem statement, research question and objective, and significant of study in chapter 1, in this chapter provide the literature review of the past empirical studies. It is discuss about the theoretical foundation, review of the prior empirical studies of the independent variables, research model and hypotheses development. 2.1 Theoretical Foundation The main contribution of this research is Herzbergs theory of motivation. This theory is also known as the two-factor theory. Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory is developed by Professor Frederick Irving Herzberg in year 1959 (Herzberg, 1966). It divides into two groups of factors known as the motivator factors and hygiene factors. Table 2.1 shows the factors of motivator and hygiene which are lead to job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction. Source: Chen. K. (2005). Factors affecting job satisfaction of public sector employees in Taiwan. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Under hygiene factors, lower level of employees needs will lead to de-motivate if they do not meet the factors but not necessarily motivate. When higher level of employees needs is met, therefore true motivation only exists (La Motta, 1995). According to Herzberg (1966) motivators are the real factors that motivate employees that can create job satisfaction and achieve the organizations goal. In prior research, Tan and Waheed (2011) are examined that what can motivate employees and their level of job satisfaction in the retail industry by using Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory. They founded that working conditions are the most significant in motivating sales personnel. The second is recognition and followed by company policy and salary. These were the factors that improved level of job satisfaction. Other than using Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory in the retail industry, Azash, Safare and Kumar (2011) are made a study about the motivational factors and job satisfaction on selected public and private sector bank employees in India. In Malaysia, these are some researchers done a study by examines the relationship between motivator and hygiene factors of the two-factor theory and job satisfaction of Gen-Y (Golshan et al., 2011). Table 2.2: Brief Definitions for the Factors of Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory Factors Definition Recognition Acts of praise, notice, or blame complete by one or more peer, superior, colleague, client, management person, and the general public. Achievement Accomplishment of actions including instances where failures were incurred. Similarly, instances were included whether success or failures were incurred. Work Itself The actual job performance connected to job satisfaction. Responsibility Satisfaction resulting that being given power of personal work or new job responsibilities and the work of others. Advancement Selected an actual change in job status. Possibility of growth A possible where was change in status, in fact, the change could be downward or upward in status. Supervision The supervisors willingness to teach subordinates and willingness or unwillingness to delegate responsibility. Policy and administration Events of the organization which included some aspects were related to job satisfaction. Working condition Quality of work, physical working conditions, and facilities which are related to job satisfaction. Interpersonal relations Relationships between subordinates, superiors and peers. Job security Feeling that person feel have an appropriate job and also guarantee its persistence as well as absence of threatening matter in the future. Salary All sequences of actions in which major role is compensation. Source: Castillo, J. X., Cano, J. (2004). Factors explaining job satisfaction among faculty. Journal of Agricultural Eduction, 45(3). According to Tripathi (2001) employees can be motivated by economic reward, job security, recognition, promotion and training to enhance job satisfaction. Robbins (2005) also shows work itself were most important factors that influence job satisfaction. In this research, Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory will mainly be undertaken to investigate on the significance of factors such as commission pay, job security, opportunities for advancement and development and work itself in affecting job satisfaction among insurance agents in Malaysia. 2.2 Review of the Prior Empirical Studies 2.2.1 Commission Pay According to Cheng (2011) commissions is a sum of money based on individual capacity and performance upon completion of a task that generally paid as percentage of the sales based on sales volume, not for the period of time that individual work. Pathak and Tripathi (2010) exploratory a study to investigate the relationship between monetary benefit associated with the job satisfaction of the Indian insurance field. A survey was conducted among 350 employees who had worked in or left insurers. Based on this study, it can conclude that monetary benefit is primary need for employees and is a variable that important to job satisfaction. Besides, past researcher Tan et al. (2011) conducted a study to investigate the relationship between pay and its influences on the level of job satisfaction in the retail industry. Questionnaire had allocated to 152 respondents among the employees and conclude that pay have influence on the job satisfaction of employees. Therefore, pay was significantly and positively related to job satisfaction. Individual when receive high monetary payment are satisfied with their job. Moreover, Parvin and Kabir (2011) also conducted a study to investigate the relationship between pay affecting the job satisfaction of pharmaceutical field. Researchers conducted research with survey method by closed-ended interview-schedule to collect primary data. The research concluded that pay is a significant factor that can influence job satisfaction among employees. These few research shows the positive and significant relationship among the pay and job satisfaction. Thus, this research assumes that there is significant relationship between commissions pay and job satisfaction among insurance agents. 2.2.2 Job Security According to Lacy and Sheehan (1997) indicated that an obvious relationship subsists between job security and satisfaction of employees in work. A forecaster of employees job satisfaction is security of services which bring out the meaning of a function that has a substantial connected to the job satisfaction of employees (Siddique, Malik Abbass, 2002). A study has been done by Noble (2008) to investigate how job security will influence the job satisfaction among sales managers. Questionnaires were randomly distributed to 292 sales managers of a national car rental chain in the United States. The findings demonstrated that there are positive relationships between job security and job satisfaction. In addition, Gazioglu and Tansel (2006) carry out a research exploring the relationships between job security and job satisfaction within workplace employees. A total of 28,240 questionnaires were allocated to a sample of British employees from the Workplace Employee Relations Survey. The study concluded that job security is significant related to the job satisfaction. Furthermore, Nikolaou, Theodossiou and Vasileiou (2006) conducted a finding to survey the relationships between job security and job satisfaction in European countries. In this study, a sample of 6,326 workers from Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Spain and The United Kingdom was selected and sent out the questionnaires. This research points out there is significant of associations between job security and job satisfaction. Based on the three past studied above, this research proposes that job security is significantly related to the job satisfaction of insurance agents. Therefore, this study suggests that job security can help to improve job satisfaction among insurance agents. 2.2.3 Opportunities for Advancement and Development Wong and Wong (2005) stated that opportunities for advancement and development is one of the vital motivation factors that may be used by employer to motivate the employees on their job satisfaction. According Robbins (1998) opportunities for advancement and development provide the employees opportunities for personal growth in their current workplace, greater responsibility and social status. Lim (2008) conducted a study exploring the relationship between promotion opportunities due to technical expertise and job satisfaction of library IT workers. This research give some details about IT workers satisfy on their jobs compare with others. Data was collected using a random sampling technique which is out of 443 mail surveys were sent to IT workers of 30 libraries that were randomly selected from the 99 university member libraries of Association of Research Libraries in the United States and 202 surveys were returned by target respondents in result of 45.6%. From this research, the findings showed that there is a positive relationship between promotion opportunities and job satisfaction. A research was done by Chng, Chong and Nakesvari (2010) to investigate the relationship between promotion opportunities that influence job satisfaction of private college lecturers in Penang. Questionnaires were allocated to three colleges which is 180 sets among 19 private colleges. The questionnaires of this research collected back 135 sets from respondents. Based on this study, the result concluded that there is significant relationship between promotion opportunities with job satisfaction. Naveed, Usman and Bushra (2011) carried out a study to investigate the relationship between promotion and job satisfaction in employees of glass industry in Lahore, Pakistan. The data collection showed that 156 sets of questionnaires were received back out of 200 questionnaires which were randomly selected from 1,500 employees. The findings of this research indicate that there is a moderate and positive relationship between promotion and job satisfaction. Thus, this research assumes that an opportunity for advancement and development is positively related to job satisfaction among insurance agents according to three past studies. Nowadays, insurance agents are more emphasize in opportunities for advancement and development. 2.2.4 Work Itself According to Robbins, Odendaal and Roodt (2003) work itself is the degree to which the job provides human being with stimulating tasks, the chances of learning and personal growth, and the opportunity to be responsible and accountable for the outcomes. Shah, Rehman, Akhtar, Zafar and Riaz (2012) carried out a study investigating the relationship between the natures of work itself and job satisfaction of teachers in Public Educational Institutions in Rawalpindi area. The questionnaires of this study distributed to 379 respondents and 294 surveys were received. The findings of this research indicate that there is a significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction. In the report done by Chuang, Yin and Jenkins (2009) to examine the relationship between the work itself and job satisfaction of casino hotel chefs in Las Vegas. The surveys were conducted by interview 25 major casino hotel chefs and one chef from academic field. From the research conducted it was evident that there is positively relationship between the work itself and job satisfaction. The research done by Castillo and Cano (2004) to inspect the relationship between the nature of job itself and job satisfaction of faculty members at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in The Ohio State University. Questionnaires of this research were distributed to 172 respondents and 148 questionnaires were returned from respondents. This research concludes that there is significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction. Based on three past studies above, the researchers propose that work itself is positively related to the job satisfaction of insurance agents. Thus, this study recommends that the work itself can help to improve the job satisfaction of insurance agents. 2.3 Proposed Conceptual Framework/Research Model Figure 2.1: Theoretical Framework Independent Variables Dependent Variable Commission Pay Job Satisfaction Job Security Work Itself Opportunities for Advancement and Development Source: Castillo, J. X., Cano, J. (2004). Factors explaining job satisfaction among faculty. Journal of Agricultural Education, 45(3). 2.4 Hypotheses Development Commission Pay H0: There is no significant relationship between commission pays and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H1: There is a significant relationship between commission pay and job satisfaction among insurance agents. Job Security H0: There is no significant relationship between job security and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H2: There is a significant relationship between job security and job satisfaction among insurance agents. Opportunities for Advancement and Development H0: There is no significant relationship between opportunities for advancement and development and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H3: There is a significant relationship between opportunities for advancement and development and job satisfaction among insurance agents. Work Itself H0: There is no significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H4: There is a significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction among insurance agents. 2.5 Conclusion From the past studies review in this chapter, it found that all the independent variables has significant relationship between the dependent variable. Research model and hypotheses were developed from the review of past studies. The research methodology will be providing in chapter 3.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Assessment of Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil

Assessment of Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Soil Chapter 1 Introduction Hydraulic conductivity or permeability of a soil is one important soil properties used in geotechnical engineering. It can be seen from the difficulty in measuring accurate and reliable values of hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity of soil is basically the capacity of water to let water to pass through the pores or voids in the soil. There are many methods developed in order to measure the hydraulic conductivity of soil; both laboratory and in-situ field methods. Some of the common laboratory methods are the constant-head test and falling head test. On the other hand, the common in-situ field methods are pumping well test, borehole tests (e.g. slug test, variable head test), infiltrometer tests and using porous probes (BAT permeameter). All these in-situ field test methods were used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of subsoil for both saturated and unsaturated media. One other in-situ field measurement method that has been introduced is the Two-Stage Borehole (TSB) test, also known as the Boutwell permeameter test. This testing method is commonly used to test a low hydraulic conductivity soil such as compacted clay liner used in landfill barrier system or covers used at waste disposal facilities, for canal and reservoir liners, for seepage blankets, and for amended soil liners. The advantage of using this method is that it can be used to measure both the vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity values of soil, kv and kh respectively. One other advantages of using this method is that it can be used to measure the rate of infiltration of water or other fluid into a large mass of soil which can represent the tested site. However, the application of the TSB/Boutwell permeameter test for natural soil or other soils having a higher permeability value has been limited. This report will discuss the theory behind the TSB/Boutwell permeameter test and the application of this method on natural soil. The methodology of this test will also be included in this report. In addition to the standard TSB setup, this report will also discuss the modification made to the standard TSB test which can be easily and quickly installed in shallow boreholes for subsequent testing. The methodology and results from the modified setup will also be included. The results from both the standard and modified setup will then be compared. Objectives The objectives of this project is summarised into four stages. In the first stage, the objective is to measure the hydraulic conductivity of the soil using the standard TSB/Boutwell permeameter setup. The second stage involves the modification of the standard TSB/Boutwell Permeameter setup. The aim is to obtain a simple installation setup which can be easily and quickly installed in shallow boreholes for subsequent testing. In the third stage, the objective is to test the modified TSB/Boutwell Permeameter test in the field. This is done by carrying out a series of tests in varied subsurface media at the assigned site location. The results from both the standard and modified TSB/Boutwell Permeameter test will be compared. The last stage of the project consists of particle size analysis of the soil obtained from site. The results from the two setups will again be compared to the hydraulic conductivity values obtained from the derivation of the Particle Size Distribution curves. The tasks that are done in this project include: The review of TSB/Boutwell Permeameter methodology Developing the modify TSB/Boutwell Permeameter Completion of field tests using the TSB/Boutwell Permeameter Collection of soil samples and subsequent particle size analysis Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Soil Water Soils are consists of separate solid particles. The pore spaces between the solid particles are all interconnected which mean that water is free to flow through these interconnected pore spaces (Whitlow, 2001). The water will flow from a higher pore pressure point to a lower pore pressure point. The pressure of the pore water is measure relatively to the atmospheric pressure. The level in which the pressure is zero (i.e. atmospheric) is defined as the water table (Craig, 2004). The soil above the water table is assumed to be unsaturated and the soil below the water table is assumed to be fully saturated. The level of water table changes in relation with climate conditions and can also be affected by any constructional operations (Craig, 2004). It is usual to express a pressure as a pressure head or head which is measured in metres of water when considering water flow problems. According to Bernoullis equation, the total head at a point in flowing water can be given by the sum of three head components; pressure head (u/ÃŽ ³w), velocity head (v2/2g) and elevation head (Z). This relationship is illustrated in the equation below: (Equation 1) where; h = total head u = pressure v = velocity g = acceleration due to gravity ÃŽ ³w = unit weight of water Z = elevation head However, since the seepage velocities in the soil are so small due to the high resistance to flow offered by the granular structure of the soil, the velocity head is often omitted from the equation (Whitlow, 2001). The total head at any point is then can be adequately represented by: (Equation 2) In saturated conditions, the one-dimensional water flow in soil is governed by the Darcys Law, which states that the velocity of the groundwater flow is proportional to the hydraulic gradient: (Equation 3) where; v = velocity of groundwater flow = flow/area (q/A) k = coefficient of permeability or hydraulic conductivity (constant) i = hydraulic gradient = head/length (h/L) The empirical validity of Darcys Law depends heavily on the hydraulic conductivity, k, which must be carefully determined so that it can represent the soil mass (Azizi, 2000). The different practical methods that can be used to measure the hydraulic conductivity will be discussed in Section 2.3. It is important to study the flow of water through porous media in soil mechanics. This is necessary for the estimation of underground seepage under various conditions, for investigation of problems involving the pumping of water for underground constructions, and for making stability analyses of retaining structures that are subjected to seepage forces (Das, 2006). Hydraulic Conductivity (Coefficient of Permeability) Hydraulic conductivity, k, of a soil is the capacity of the soil to allow water to pass through it. The value of hydraulic conductivity is often used to measure the resistance of a soil to water flow. Hydraulic conductivity has units of length divided by time. The most common unit used of measurement is meter per second (m/s). Although hydraulic conductivity has the same unit as those to describe velocity, it is not a measure of velocity (Coduto, 1999). Importance of Hydraulic Conductivity Hydraulic conductivity is a very important parameter in geotechnical engineering or in determining the widespread of contamination. This can be seen in the difficulties in measuring it. This is because hydraulic conductivity can varies from one point in a soil to another, even with small changes in the soil characteristics. It is also, as mentioned in the previous section, influenced by the viscosity and unit weight of the fluid flowing through the soil. Hydraulic conductivity is also dependent to the direction of flow which means that the vertical hydraulic conductivity would not be the same as the horizontal hydraulic conductivity. This condition of the soil is said to be anisotropic. Studies that have been made indicate that the value of vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) of a soil is usually higher than the horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kh) in one or two order of magnitude (Chen, 2000). Some applications in which information on hydraulic conductivity is very important are in modelling the groundwater flow and transportation of contaminants in the soil. Hydraulic conductivity data of a soil is also important for designing drainage of an area and in the construction of earth dam and levee. In addition, it is very important in tackling most of the geotechnical problems such as seepage losses, settlement calculations, and stability analyses (Odong, 2007). Factors Affecting Hydraulic Conductivity The hydraulic conductivity of a soil depends on many factors. The main factor that affecting the value of hydraulic conductivity is the average size of the pores between particles in the soil, which in turn is related to the distribution of particle sizes, particle shape and roughness, pore continuity, and soil structure (Craig,2004). In general; the bigger the average size of the pores, the higher the value of hydraulic conductivity is. The value of hydraulic conductivity of a soil that has a presence of small percentages of fines will be significantly lower than the same soil without fines. In the other hand, the presence of fissures in clay will result in a much higher value of hydraulic conductivity compared to that of unfissured clay (Craig, 2004). The range of the hydraulic conductivity value is very large. Table 1 below illustrates the range of hydraulic conductivity which differs from one soil type to another which is mainly due to the different average size of the pores between the soil particles. Table 1 Range of hydraulic conductivity values (m/s) with different soil type (Whitlow, 2001) 102 101 1 10-1 Clean gravels Very good drainage 10-2 10-3 10-4 Clean sands Gravel-sand mixtures 10-5 10-6 Very fine sands Silts and silty sands Fissured and weathered clays Good drainage Poor drainage 10-7 10-8 10-9 Clay silts (>20% clay) Unfissured clays Practically impervious The hydraulic conductivity is also dependent to viscosity and density of water in which both are affected by temperature. It is therefore conclude that the value of hydraulic conductivity will then be affected by changes in temperature. Theoretically, it can be shown that for laminar flow and saturated soil condition the relationship between temperature and hydraulic conductivity: (Equation 4) Where; ÃŽ ³w= unit weight of water ÃŽ · = viscosity of water K = absolute coefficient (units m2). This value is dependent on the characteristic of the soil skeleton. Since most of the laboratory graduations were standardised at 20C, the value of hydraulic conductivity at this temperature is taken as 100% (Craig, 2004). Other value of hydraulic conductivity at 10C and 0C are 77% and 56% respectively (Craig, 2004). Hydraulic Conductivity Tests Most of the tests for measuring hydraulic conductivity measured one average value of hydraulic conductivity. However, some tests measured both the vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity values to obtained more accurate estimation. There are numbers of experiments and test that can be done to measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. These tests to measure the hydraulic conductivity can be done both in the laboratory and in the field. The following sections will briefly discussed the most common laboratory and in-situ tests practiced today to measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. Although with all the various tests developed to measured the hydraulic conductivity, there are uncertainties arise on how the soils that being tested represent the whole soil condition at the site of interest. It is therefore a good practice to perform different tests and comparing the results obtained. Laboratory Permeability Tests One problem with laboratory tests is that the samples collected do not adequately represent the detailed conditions of the soil, e.g. fissures, joints or other characteristics in the site of interest. Even with carefully conducted tests and good sampling techniques, it is impossible to obtain a very accurate result. The results typically have a precision of about 50% or more (Coduto, 1999). It is therefore important to take this into consideration if any construction activities or contamination remediation operations to be perform at the site of interest. Constant Head Permeability Test The constant head test is used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of more permeable soils such as gravels and sands which have a hydraulic conductivity value of 10-4 m/s (Whitlow, 2001). The equipments used for this test is called a constant head permeameter. A schematic illustration of this equipment is shown in Figure 2.1. The constant head permeameter was developed base on the basic idea of Darcys Law (Equation 3). The soil sample is contained in a cylinder of cross-sectional area A. Continuous water supply is let to flow from a tank to the sample to maintain a constant head. The water that flow through the sample is collected in a collection jar or container and the discharge through the sample is measured by calculating the volume of the water in the collection container over a period of time t. h Figure 2.1 Schematic diagram of Constant Head Permeameter ( The hydraulic conductivity, k of the tested soil is then calculated by: From equation 3: (Equation 5) Where; Q = the discharge through the sample (m3/s) L = the length of the sample (m) A = cross-section of the sample (m2) h = hydraulic head (m) The above diagram shows a simple setup of the constant-head permeameter. Other setup is also available which make use a pair of standpipes to measure the pore pressure and potential at two points. This is illustrated in Figure 2.2 below. Although both the setups are different, it makes used of the same concepts; Darcys Law. Figure 2.2 Alternative setup of Constant Head Permeameter (Whitlow, 2001) Falling Head Permeability Test The falling head test is used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of less permeable soils such as fine sands, silt and clay. The water flow resistance in these types of soil are very high which unable to measure accurate measurements of hydraulic conductivity if used with constant head permeameter. Undisturbed samples are required to perform laboratory test to measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. However, a small degree of disturbance of the sample is accepted as it is very hard to obtain a perfect undisturbed sample. An undisturbed sample can be obtained usually using a U100 sample tube or a core-cutter tube (Whitlow, 2001).The schematic illustration of the falling head test setup is shown in Figure 2.3. Figure 2.3 Laboratory setup of falling head test (Whitlow, 2001) The sample is place in a cylinder container with a wire mesh and gravel filter at both end of the cylinder. The base of the cylinder is left to stand in a water reservoir fitted with a constant level overflow. At the other end, which is the top of the cylinder, it is connected to a glass standpipe of known diameter (Whitlow, 2001). These standpipes are then filled with de-aired water and it is allow to flow through the soil sample. The height of the water in the standpipe is measured at several time intervals. The test is then repeated using standpipes of different diameters. It is a good practice to take note of the initial and final unit weight and water content of the sample to get additional information about the properties of the sample (Whitlow, 2001). The hydraulic conductivity of the sample is then calculated from the results obtained from the tests. The Darcys Law concept is still used in determining the hydraulic conductivity. The derivation of the hydraulic conductivity for the falling head test is done as follow (Whitlow, 2001). Deriving from Equation 3: With reference to Figure 2.3, if the level of the water in the standpipe fall dh in a time of dt the flow, q will be and the hydraulic gradient, i Therefore; (Equation 6) Where; a = cross-sectional area of the standpipe A = cross-sectional area of the sample When equation 6 is rearranged and integrated, the final equation to calculate the hydraulic conductivity is given as (Equation 7) Particle Size Analysis Particle size analysis is commonly used to classify the physical properties of the soil being tested. This testing method is used for both soil science and engineering purposes (Keller and Gee, 2006). In context of engineering purposes, it is commonly used to define the particle size distributions of the soil. The data obtained from the particle size distributions can then be used to estimate the pore-size classes needed in calculating the hydraulic properties of the soil such as hydraulic conductivity (Keller and Gee, 2006). There are various methods of measuring particle size analysis. Traditional methods include sieving, hydrometer and pipette. Other new techniques are also been developed; one example is laser-diffraction techniques (Eshel et al, 2004). However, particle size analysis is dependent on the technique used for defining the particle size distribution. It is therefore a common practice to do more than one method to define the particle size distribution (Keller and Gee, 2006). The results from all the different methods can then be compared to obtain more representative result. For the traditional particle size analysis methods, two separate procedures are used in order to obtain wider range of particles sizes (Head, 1980). The two procedures are sieving and sedimentation procedures (hydrometer or pipette method). Sieving is used to categorise large particle such as gravel and coarse sand. The particles can be separated into different size ranges using a series of standard sieves. For the finer particles such as silt and clay, sedimentation procedure is used (Head, 1980). Once the particle size distribution is defined from the particle size analysis, the hydraulic conductivity of the tested soil can then be estimated using a number of established empirical equations. However, the applicability of the above equations depends on the type of soil that is being tested. The following paragraphs summarised several empirical equations from previous studies (Odong, 2007). Hazens equation: (Equation 8) Kozeny-Carmans equation: (Equation 9) Breyers equation: (Equation 10) Slitchers equation: (Equation 11) Where; g = acceleration due to gravity v = kinematic viscosity n = porosity of the soil d10 = grain size in which 10% the sample is finer than The estimation of the hydraulic conductivity from these equations required information on the kinematic viscosity v and porosity n of the soil. The kinematic viscosity can be calculated by: (Equation 12) Where; = dynamic viscosity ÃŽ ¡ = density of water The porosity n can be calculated using the empirical relationship below: (Equation 13) Where U is the coefficient of grain uniformity and is given by: (Equation 14) The values of d60and d10 can be obtained from the particle size distribution. d60and d10 represent the grain size for which 60% and 10% of the sample respectively is finer than. In-situ Field Permeability Tests Due to the problems associated with reliability and laboratory tests, as mention in Section 2.3.1, field methods of measuring the hydraulic conductivity should be used to obtain more accurate and reliable measurements. In the field test, the soil disturbances is kept to a minimum level and they usually involves the testing of larger, more representative samples. Although, in term of cost and time, field measurement method is more expensive, it will as well provide more reliable measurement of hydraulic conductivity when dealing with a wide range of soil macro-structural characteristics. Other more economic option of field measurement can also be done. Such example is by performing borehole test, provided the pumping observation sequences are carefully planned and controlled (Whitlow, 2001). Well Pumping Tests This method is more suitable if used to measure hydraulic conductivity in homogenous coarse soil strata (Craig, 2004). The procedure involves the measurement of water that is being pumped out of a well at a constant rate, then observing the effect of these pumping activities to the drawdown of the groundwater level at other wells. The diameter of the well is normally at least 300mm and penetrates to the bottom of the stratum under test (Craig, 2004). The pumping rate and the groundwater levels in two or more monitoring wells are then recorded. The analysis of the results depends whether the aquifer is confined or unconfined. Well pumping test in a confined aquifer In confined aquifer the permeable stratum is squeezed in between two impermeable layers. This is illustrated in Figure 2.4 below. To perform the test, the pumping rate must not be too high to reduce the level in the pumping well below the top of the aquifer. The interface between the top aquifer and the overlying impermeable stratum therefore forms the top stream line (Whitlow, 2001). Figure 2.4 Pumping test in confined aquifer (Azizi, 2000) Figure 2.4 illustrates the arrangement of the pumping well and two other monitoring wells. Two assumptions were made at this point; the piezometric surface is above the upper surface of the aquifer and the hydraulic gradient is constant at a given radius (Whitlow, 2001). In steady state condition, the hydraulic gradient through an elemental cylinder with radius r from the well centres estimated as follow: where; dr = thickness h = height The area in which the water flow, A: where; D = the thickness of the aquifer Substituting the area A into the Darcys Law (Equation 4) will give; Hence: And therefore the hydraulic conductivity is: (Equation 15) In the case that the piezometric level is above ground level, where the water level inside the well inserted into the confined aquifer rises above the ground level, this scenario is called Artesian conditions (Azizi, 2000). This is illustrated in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.5 Artesian conditions (Azizi, 2000) Well pumping test in unconfined aquifer An unconfined aquifer is a free-draining surface layer that allows water to flow through the surface. The permeable stratum is not overlain by an impermeable layer. The piezometric surface is therefore in the same level of the water table. This is illustrated in Figure 2.6 below. The surface layer permeability is very high, thus allowing the water table to fluctuate up and down easily. Figure 2.6 Pumping test in an unconfined aquifer (Whitlow, 2001) Under steady state pumping conditions, the hydraulic gradient i at a given radius is assumed to be constant in a homogenous media. Homogenous unit is where the properties at any location are the same. For instance, sandstone has grain size distribution, porosity and thickness variation within a very small limit (Fetter, 2001). With reference to the arrangement of pumping well and two monitoring wells in Figure 2.6 above, the hydraulic conductivity can be determine by: Deriving from Equation 3: where; Hydraulic gradient i is And area through which the water flow, Then, Thus, hydraulic conductivity for an unconfined aquifer (after integrating the above equation) is (Equation 16) Borehole Permeameter Tests There are many borehole tests developed to determine the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. The most common in-situ borehole tests are as follow: Slug test Two-stage borehole test/ Boutwell Permeameter Variable head test In-situ constant head test Slug test is one of the cheapest in-situ field methods to determine the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. The procedure of this test involves the rapid adding or removing a slug or water into a monitoring well. The slug can be of anything that can displace the volume of the water in the well, e.g. water, plastic tubing capped at both ends, and other material of known volume and can fit into the monitoring well. The rate of rise and fall of the groundwater level is then observed until it reaches an equilibrium state. In a variable head test, a slug is introduced into the monitoring well by either adding in a measured volume of water into the well or other materials mentioned earlier. The rate of water level fall is then measured in time. This is called falling head test. The water can also be removed out from the well by using a bailer or a pump. The rate of water level rise is then measured with time. This is called a rising head test. Depending on the properties of the aquifer and the soil, and the size of the slug used the water can either returns to its original water level before the test quickly or very slowly. For instance, if the porosity of the soil is high then the water level will returns very quickly to its original water level before the test is done. There is also the constant head test. In this test the water level or head is maintained throughout the test at a given level. This is done by adjusting and measuring the flow rate of the water at intervals from start to the end of the test (Whitlow, 2001). The constant head test is said to give more accurate results, provided the water pressure is controlled so that it would not cause fracturing or other disturbance to the soil (Whitlow, 2001). There are several assumptions made for this test: The soil is homogenous, isotropic, uniformly soaked Infinite boundaries Soil does not swell when wetted The expressions use to calculate the hydraulic conductivity for the above tests depend on whether the stratum is unconfined or unconfined, the position of the bottom of the casing within the stratum and details of the drainage face in the soil (Craig, 2004). The horizontal hydraulic conductivity is tend to be measured if the soil is anisotropic with respect to permeability and if the borehole extends below the bottom of the casing. On the other hand, the vertical hydraulic conductivity is often measured if the casing penetrates below soil level in the bottom of the borehole (Craig, 2004). The following expressions are all recommended in BS 5930 to calculate the hydraulic conductivity (Whitlow, 2001). For variable head test: (Equation 17) Or, (Equation 18) For constant head test: Hvorslevs time lag analysis (Equation 19) Gibsons root-time method (Equation 20) where; A20% clay) Unfissured clays Practically impervious The hydraulic conductivity is also dependent to viscosity and density of water in which both are affected by temperature. It is therefore conclude that the value of hydraulic conductivity will then be affected by changes in temperature. Theoretically, it can be shown that for laminar flow and saturated soil condition the relationship between temperature and hydraulic conductivity: (Equation 4) Where; ÃŽ ³w= unit weight of water ÃŽ · = viscosity of water K = absolute coefficient (units m2). This value is dependent on the characteristic of the soil skeleton. Since most of the laboratory graduations were standardised at 20C, the value of hydraulic conductivity at this temperature is taken as 100% (Craig, 2004). Other value of hydraulic conductivity at 10C and 0C are 77% and 56% respectively (Craig, 2004). Hydraulic Conductivity Tests Most of the tests for measuring hydraulic conductivity measured one average value of hydraulic conductivity. However, some tests measured both the vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivity values to obtained more accurate estimation. There are numbers of experiments and test that can be done to measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. These tests to measure the hydraulic conductivity can be done both in the laboratory and in the field. The following sections will briefly discussed the most common laboratory and in-situ tests practiced today to measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. Although with all the various tests developed to measured the hydraulic conductivity, there are uncertainties arise on how the soils that being tested represent the whole soil condition at the site of interest. It is therefore a good practice to perform different tests and comparing the results obtained. Laboratory Permeability Tests One problem with laboratory tests is that the samples collected do not adequately represent the detailed conditions of the soil, e.g. fissures, joints or other characteristics in the site of interest. Even with carefully conducted tests and good sampling techniques, it is impossible to obtain a very accurate result. The results typically have a precision of about 50% or more (Coduto, 1999). It is therefore important to take this into consideration if any construction activities or contamination remediation operations to be perform at the site of interest. Constant Head Permeability Test The constant head test is used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of more permeable soils such as gravels and sands which have a hydraulic conductivity value of 10-4 m/s (Whitlow, 2001). The equipments used for this test is called a constant head permeameter. A schematic illustration of this equipment is shown in Figure 2.1. The constant head permeameter was developed base on the basic idea of Darcys Law (Equation 3). The soil sample is contained in a cylinder of cross-sectional area A. Continuous water supply is let to flow from a tank to the sample to maintain a constant head. The water that flow through the sample is collected in a collection jar or container and the discharge through the sample is measured by calculating the volume of the water in the collection container over a period of time t. h Figure 2.1 Schematic diagram of Constant Head Permeameter ( The hydraulic conductivity, k of the tested soil is then calculated by: From equation 3: (Equation 5) Where; Q = the discharge through the sample (m3/s) L = the length of the sample (m) A = cross-section of the sample (m2) h = hydraulic head (m) The above diagram shows a simple setup of the constant-head permeameter. Other setup is also available which make use a pair of standpipes to measure the pore pressure and potential at two points. This is illustrated in Figure 2.2 below. Although both the setups are different, it makes used of the same concepts; Darcys Law. Figure 2.2 Alternative setup of Constant Head Permeameter (Whitlow, 2001) Falling Head Permeability Test The falling head test is used to measure the hydraulic conductivity of less permeable soils such as fine sands, silt and clay. The water flow resistance in these types of soil are very high which unable to measure accurate measurements of hydraulic conductivity if used with constant head permeameter. Undisturbed samples are required to perform laboratory test to measure the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. However, a small degree of disturbance of the sample is accepted as it is very hard to obtain a perfect undisturbed sample. An undisturbed sample can be obtained usually using a U100 sample tube or a core-cutter tube (Whitlow, 2001).The schematic illustration of the falling head test setup is shown in Figure 2.3. Figure 2.3 Laboratory setup of falling head test (Whitlow, 2001) The sample is place in a cylinder container with a wire mesh and gravel filter at both end of the cylinder. The base of the cylinder is left to stand in a water reservoir fitted with a constant level overflow. At the other end, which is the top of the cylinder, it is connected to a glass standpipe of known diameter (Whitlow, 2001). These standpipes are then filled with de-aired water and it is allow to flow through the soil sample. The height of the water in the standpipe is measured at several time intervals. The test is then repeated using standpipes of different diameters. It is a good practice to take note of the initial and final unit weight and water content of the sample to get additional information about the properties of the sample (Whitlow, 2001). The hydraulic conductivity of the sample is then calculated from the results obtained from the tests. The Darcys Law concept is still used in determining the hydraulic conductivity. The derivation of the hydraulic conductivity for the falling head test is done as follow (Whitlow, 2001). Deriving from Equation 3: With reference to Figure 2.3, if the level of the water in the standpipe fall dh in a time of dt the flow, q will be and the hydraulic gradient, i Therefore; (Equation 6) Where; a = cross-sectional area of the standpipe A = cross-sectional area of the sample When equation 6 is rearranged and integrated, the final equation to calculate the hydraulic conductivity is given as (Equation 7) Particle Size Analysis Particle size analysis is commonly used to classify the physical properties of the soil being tested. This testing method is used for both soil science and engineering purposes (Keller and Gee, 2006). In context of engineering purposes, it is commonly used to define the particle size distributions of the soil. The data obtained from the particle size distributions can then be used to estimate the pore-size classes needed in calculating the hydraulic properties of the soil such as hydraulic conductivity (Keller and Gee, 2006). There are various methods of measuring particle size analysis. Traditional methods include sieving, hydrometer and pipette. Other new techniques are also been developed; one example is laser-diffraction techniques (Eshel et al, 2004). However, particle size analysis is dependent on the technique used for defining the particle size distribution. It is therefore a common practice to do more than one method to define the particle size distribution (Keller and Gee, 2006). The results from all the different methods can then be compared to obtain more representative result. For the traditional particle size analysis methods, two separate procedures are used in order to obtain wider range of particles sizes (Head, 1980). The two procedures are sieving and sedimentation procedures (hydrometer or pipette method). Sieving is used to categorise large particle such as gravel and coarse sand. The particles can be separated into different size ranges using a series of standard sieves. For the finer particles such as silt and clay, sedimentation procedure is used (Head, 1980). Once the particle size distribution is defined from the particle size analysis, the hydraulic conductivity of the tested soil can then be estimated using a number of established empirical equations. However, the applicability of the above equations depends on the type of soil that is being tested. The following paragraphs summarised several empirical equations from previous studies (Odong, 2007). Hazens equation: (Equation 8) Kozeny-Carmans equation: (Equation 9) Breyers equation: (Equation 10) Slitchers equation: (Equation 11) Where; g = acceleration due to gravity v = kinematic viscosity n = porosity of the soil d10 = grain size in which 10% the sample is finer than The estimation of the hydraulic conductivity from these equations required information on the kinematic viscosity v and porosity n of the soil. The kinematic viscosity can be calculated by: (Equation 12) Where; = dynamic viscosity ÃŽ ¡ = density of water The porosity n can be calculated using the empirical relationship below: (Equation 13) Where U is the coefficient of grain uniformity and is given by: (Equation 14) The values of d60and d10 can be obtained from the particle size distribution. d60and d10 represent the grain size for which 60% and 10% of the sample respectively is finer than. In-situ Field Permeability Tests Due to the problems associated with reliability and laboratory tests, as mention in Section 2.3.1, field methods of measuring the hydraulic conductivity should be used to obtain more accurate and reliable measurements. In the field test, the soil disturbances is kept to a minimum level and they usually involves the testing of larger, more representative samples. Although, in term of cost and time, field measurement method is more expensive, it will as well provide more reliable measurement of hydraulic conductivity when dealing with a wide range of soil macro-structural characteristics. Other more economic option of field measurement can also be done. Such example is by performing borehole test, provided the pumping observation sequences are carefully planned and controlled (Whitlow, 2001). Well Pumping Tests This method is more suitable if used to measure hydraulic conductivity in homogenous coarse soil strata (Craig, 2004). The procedure involves the measurement of water that is being pumped out of a well at a constant rate, then observing the effect of these pumping activities to the drawdown of the groundwater level at other wells. The diameter of the well is normally at least 300mm and penetrates to the bottom of the stratum under test (Craig, 2004). The pumping rate and the groundwater levels in two or more monitoring wells are then recorded. The analysis of the results depends whether the aquifer is confined or unconfined. Well pumping test in a confined aquifer In confined aquifer the permeable stratum is squeezed in between two impermeable layers. This is illustrated in Figure 2.4 below. To perform the test, the pumping rate must not be too high to reduce the level in the pumping well below the top of the aquifer. The interface between the top aquifer and the overlying impermeable stratum therefore forms the top stream line (Whitlow, 2001). Figure 2.4 Pumping test in confined aquifer (Azizi, 2000) Figure 2.4 illustrates the arrangement of the pumping well and two other monitoring wells. Two assumptions were made at this point; the piezometric surface is above the upper surface of the aquifer and the hydraulic gradient is constant at a given radius (Whitlow, 2001). In steady state condition, the hydraulic gradient through an elemental cylinder with radius r from the well centres estimated as follow: where; dr = thickness h = height The area in which the water flow, A: where; D = the thickness of the aquifer Substituting the area A into the Darcys Law (Equation 4) will give; Hence: And therefore the hydraulic conductivity is: (Equation 15) In the case that the piezometric level is above ground level, where the water level inside the well inserted into the confined aquifer rises above the ground level, this scenario is called Artesian conditions (Azizi, 2000). This is illustrated in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.5 Artesian conditions (Azizi, 2000) Well pumping test in unconfined aquifer An unconfined aquifer is a free-draining surface layer that allows water to flow through the surface. The permeable stratum is not overlain by an impermeable layer. The piezometric surface is therefore in the same level of the water table. This is illustrated in Figure 2.6 below. The surface layer permeability is very high, thus allowing the water table to fluctuate up and down easily. Figure 2.6 Pumping test in an unconfined aquifer (Whitlow, 2001) Under steady state pumping conditions, the hydraulic gradient i at a given radius is assumed to be constant in a homogenous media. Homogenous unit is where the properties at any location are the same. For instance, sandstone has grain size distribution, porosity and thickness variation within a very small limit (Fetter, 2001). With reference to the arrangement of pumping well and two monitoring wells in Figure 2.6 above, the hydraulic conductivity can be determine by: Deriving from Equation 3: where; Hydraulic gradient i is And area through which the water flow, Then, Thus, hydraulic conductivity for an unconfined aquifer (after integrating the above equation) is (Equation 16) Borehole Permeameter Tests There are many borehole tests developed to determine the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. The most common in-situ borehole tests are as follow: Slug test Two-stage borehole test/ Boutwell Permeameter Variable head test In-situ constant head test Slug test is one of the cheapest in-situ field methods to determine the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. The procedure of this test involves the rapid adding or removing a slug or water into a monitoring well. The slug can be of anything that can displace the volume of the water in the well, e.g. water, plastic tubing capped at both ends, and other material of known volume and can fit into the monitoring well. The rate of rise and fall of the groundwater level is then observed until it reaches an equilibrium state. In a variable head test, a slug is introduced into the monitoring well by either adding in a measured volume of water into the well or other materials mentioned earlier. The rate of water level fall is then measured in time. This is called falling head test. The water can also be removed out from the well by using a bailer or a pump. The rate of water level rise is then measured with time. This is called a rising head test. Depending on the properties of the aquifer and the soil, and the size of the slug used the water can either returns to its original water level before the test quickly or very slowly. For instance, if the porosity of the soil is high then the water level will returns very quickly to its original water level before the test is done. There is also the constant head test. In this test the water level or head is maintained throughout the test at a given level. This is done by adjusting and measuring the flow rate of the water at intervals from start to the end of the test (Whitlow, 2001). The constant head test is said to give more accurate results, provided the water pressure is controlled so that it would not cause fracturing or other disturbance to the soil (Whitlow, 2001). There are several assumptions made for this test: The soil is homogenous, isotropic, uniformly soaked Infinite boundaries Soil does not swell when wetted The expressions use to calculate the hydraulic conductivity for the above tests depend on whether the stratum is unconfined or unconfined, the position of the bottom of the casing within the stratum and details of the drainage face in the soil (Craig, 2004). The horizontal hydraulic conductivity is tend to be measured if the soil is anisotropic with respect to permeability and if the borehole extends below the bottom of the casing. On the other hand, the vertical hydraulic conductivity is often measured if the casing penetrates below soil level in the bottom of the borehole (Craig, 2004). The following expressions are all recommended in BS 5930 to calculate the hydraulic conductivity (Whitlow, 2001). For variable head test: (Equation 17) Or, (Equation 18) For constant head test: Hvorslevs time lag analysis (Equation 19) Gibsons root-time method (Equation 20) where; A